1. Dynamic Stretching (5 minutes)

Start with dynamic stretching to increase blood flow and muscle elasticity, reducing the risk of injury. Incorporate movements such as:

  • Jogging: Light jog around the field to get the heart rate up.
  • High Knees: Lift knees high while moving forward to engage the core and warm up the legs.
  • Butt Kicks: Jog while kicking your heels up to your buttocks to stretch the quads.
  • Lunges: Forward and side lunges to stretch the hip flexors and activate the legs.
  • Open the Gate/Close the Gate: Lift the knee and rotate outwards and then inwards to loosen the hip joints.

2. Stick and Ball Skills (5 minutes)

Incorporate the stick and ball early to get players’ hands and eyes ready for the game:

  • Dribbling: Have players dribble the ball around, set up in a zigzag pattern.
  • Passing Pairs: Players pair up and pass the ball back and forth while gradually increasing the distance between them.

3. Fun Group Competition (5 minutes)

Add a light competitive element to raise the intensity:

  • Relay Races: Set up teams for relay races where players dribble the ball around a set of cones and pass it to the next player.
  • Sharks and Minnows: One or two players ("sharks") try to intercept the ball from the dribbling players ("minnows") within a defined area.

4. Tactical Play (5 minutes)

Finish the warm-up with some tactical play to get players thinking about the game:

  • Mini Matches: Quick 3v3 or 4v4 games on a small section of the pitch.
  • Position-Specific Drills: Depending on the upcoming game or practice focus, run drills that involve specific positions working together (e.g., defenders passing out from the back, forwards executing give-and-go).


Field Hockey Training Activity: Scoring Game

Objective: Improve ball control, passing accuracy, and strategic positioning.


  • Area: Set up a rectangular playing field with a small "box" area marked at the centre.
  • Teams: Divide players into two teams, Red and Blue.
  • Duration: Each round lasts 2-3 minutes.


  1. Player Positions:

    • Players assigned to the "box" must remain inside the box throughout the game.
    • Players outside the box are not allowed to enter the box.
  2. Game Play:

    • Scoring:
      • Direct pass across the box to a teammate: 5 points.
      • Ball intercepted and played immediately across the box: 5 points.
      • Using the player in the box to relay the ball across to the other side: 1 point.
    • The ball must be controlled at all times. Mistraps result in a turnover to the opposing team.
  3. Forfeits:

    • The winning team chooses a light-hearted forfeit for the losing team at the end of each round.


  • Advanced Play:
    • The ball must be played into the player in the box. This player ("the post") must control and return the ball to the side it came from.
    • If the receiving player on the outside can first-time pass the ball across to the other side, the team earns 10 points.


  • Encourage quick thinking and fast passes to keep the game dynamic.
  • Focus on accurate, controlled passes to maximize scoring opportunities.

This format emphasizes skill development in a competitive, fun environment, enhancing players' abilities to think and act quickly under pressure.


Small-Sided Game: Midfield Posting Up

Objective: Enhance players' skills in receiving the ball in midfield, holding possession, and facilitating the play.


  • Field Setup: Use a standard half-field or smaller, depending on the number of players. Mark a designated "midfield zone" at the center of the field where the posting up should occur.
  • Teams: Divide players into two teams of 4-6 players each.
  • Duration: Play multiple rounds of 4-5 minutes each.

Rules and Scoring:

  1. Posting Up in Midfield:

    • Players are encouraged to 'post up'—receive the ball with their back to the goal in the midfield zone.
    • Every successful post-up that leads to maintaining possession or a successful pass earns the team 5 points.
    • Define successful posting up as receiving the ball under pressure, controlling it, and making a productive play (pass or turn).
  2. General Play:

    • Normal hockey rules apply but emphasise quick transitions and ball movement.
    • Continuous play and focus on the midfield.
  3. Scoring in the Game:

    • Standard goals count as 1 point each to keep the focus on midfield play rather than scoring.


  • Increased Difficulty: As players get more proficient, the pressure increases by reducing the size of the midfield zone or allowing defenders to apply more pressure.
  • Role Rotation: Rotate players through the midfield role to give everyone experience posting up against different types of pressure and defensive tactics.

Coaching Points:

  • Body Positioning: Encourage players to open their body to the field as much as possible when receiving the ball, even when posting up, to increase field awareness and passing options.
  • Ball Control: Focus on controlling the pass with the first touch, using the body to shield the ball as needed.
  • Vision and Awareness: Train players to pre-scan their surroundings before receiving the ball so they can quickly decide the next move after posting up.
  • Communication: Stress the importance of midfielders communicating their position and readiness to receive the ball.

This game setup not only rewards players for effective midfield play but also develops their ability to handle pressure, enhancing overall team dynamics and individual skills.


Complete a standard reflection of your performance as a coach.


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